Welcome to your new space!

Confluence spaces are great for sharing content and news with your team. This is your home page. Right now it shows recent space activity, but you can customize this page in any way you like.

This page is intended for collaboration between the members of the Far-Infrared Beamteam

Beamteam Members:

Dr. Dennis Tokaryk (Beamteam Leader)

Dr. Jennifer van Wijngaarden

Dr. Serge Desgreniers

Dr. John Tse

Dr. Peter Bernath

Dr. Ron Lees

Dr. Robert McKellar (retired)

Dr. Adrianna Predoi-Cross (inactive)

Dr. Thomas Ellis (inactive)

Dr. Nasser Moazzen-Ahmadi (inactive)

Dr. T. Momose (inactive)

Dr. Klug (inactive)

Dr. Brant Billinghurst (Beamline Responsible)

Mr. Tim May (CLS staff)

Recent space activity

Space contributors