SGM Mail-in Program
Sample Mail-in Program on the SGM Beamline
Version 2.1 JJD, 30 November 2020
The COVID-19 pandemic has restricted the number of Canadian Light Source (CLS) staff on site (currently 125) and the Canadian government has regulated that nonessential international travel not be allowed and that travel within Canada be limited. Hence, Users will not be allowed on-site at the CLS for the foreseeable future. To allow for the continuation of the User's scientific research programs at the CLS, we are now offering a sample mail-in program to Users with a current General User peer-reviewed or rapid access project on the Spherical Grating Monochromator (SGM) beamline. In this program the SGM beamline staff will collect spectral and/or imaging data for the Users. The scheduling of the data collection will be at the discretion of the SGM beamline staff.
Solid samples (e.g., powders, coupons) are the only type of samples currently being routinely run under the sample mail-in program. This would also include samples dispersed in a solvent (e.g., water), whereby after pipetting the dispersed sample (e.g., soil ) is deposited onto a surface and the solvent evaporates, leaving behind the sample.
Liquid cell experiments are under consideration for the sample mail-in program. Inquire to the SGM Beamline Technical Contact to discuss whether your liquid cell experiments can be run on the SGM beamline under the sample mail-in program.
Remote access is currently not available to Users on the SGM beamline. Inquire to the SGM Beamline Technical Contact for the current status of the remote access program.
Users are asked to acknowledge ( in their publications on work performed, in whole or in part, at the Canadian Light Source and to report these publications to the CLS using the publication interface in their User Portal. The list of the publications reported to the CLS is an important factor in our funding and is taken into account during peer review of General User research proposals.
There will be no fees charged for the sample mail-in program submitted for General User peer-reviewed or rapid access projects. The User must intend to publish the results and will not receive personal payment (excludes salaries, lab supplies, etc.) for the results from another party.
SGM Beamline Technical Contact: Tom Regier, Senior Scientist,, 1-306-657-3733.
Instructions for Completing the Sample Mail-in Form for Solid Samples
Solid samples for the mail-in program will be entered electronically into the sample mail-in form. Note that the completed form MUST be submitted before shipping samples to the CLS. Only after approval of the sample list and description of work by the SGM Beamline Technical Contact or Delegate can the samples be sent to the CLS.
Prior to completing the sample mail-in form read the detailed instructions for filling out the Sample Mil-in Form. Also information on sample preparation, detectors, calibration, and data access and analysis can be found in the detailed instructions section under process information.
To ship the samples to the CLS follow the shipping detailed instructions
Detailed Instructions:
Instructions for Completing the Sample Mail-in Form for Liquid Cell Samples
Under development.