Sample Shipment Information

Sample Shipment Information

Details on shipping samples to CLS can be found at https://www.lightsource.ca/shipping.html

To ensure the safety of all CLS staff special protocols on packaging your samples have been implemented:

  1. Confirm the number of samples and the sample preparation protocols with the beamline technical contact or Delegate and get approval before shipping your samples to the CLS.

  2. Mark all the sample details (including sample number, sample name, quantities, and hazards) in the shipping documents to make sure your samples arrive in time at the CLS. Note, that not all samples need to be individually identified if they the same sample type.  For example, if you have 20 soil samples, indicate soils and that there are 20 of them.  Do not do this for “pure” chemicals but indicate each one on the sheet.

  3.  The packages are to be addressed to Tom Regier and are to include the project number.

Local Users, such as those from the University of Saskatchewan, will deliver their samples to the CLS shipping/receiving, at the back of the building.  Users MUST complete the Beamline Sample Form, listing the samples, their contact information and the CLS contact, beamline and a staff phone number (Tom Regier, 306-657-3733).  The form is to be put it in an envelope and attached to the outside of the package containing the samples.  Also, Users MUST inform the SGM beamline staff, prior to delivering the samples to the CLS, when they plan (date and time) to deliver the samples to the CLS.  The times that the CLS shipping/receiving staff are available for receiving samples, contact information and CLS shipping/receiving location follow:
Open times: Monday to Friday 8am-4:30pm – (closed for breaks from 10-10:15am, 12-12:30pm, 3-3:15pm)
Contact information: Email: stores@lightsource.ca; Phone: 306-657-3657
Location: Go to the back of the CLS building where there are 2 large overhead doors (see map).  Use the intercom next to the man-door to contact the shipping/receiving staff, who will then come down to meet you.

If samples are to be returned Users need to complete a shipping order form which is also available on the shipping web page.